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St. James Court hotel shuttles

St. James Court Hotel Shuttles

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Mar 13, 2025
05:10 PM (17:10)
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    LHR airport hotel transfers

    A gorgeous option at the heart of London’s upscale Westminster neighborhood, St. James’ Court is the prime choice for staying as close to the hotel’s on-site luxuries as the city’s premiere shopping & dining scene. The tropical-colonial theme flows from its vibrant courtyard littered with mosaic tile to stately rooms with wooden accents and velvet furnishings. General amenities are also available in the form of a grand ballroom, a fitness gym and on-site gourmet confectionery shop, while guests can also dip their toes into paradise with a relaxing indoor pool and get around town with vintage vehicle transfers. Other ways of getting around include the nearby St. James’s Park Station, which offers instant transfers to London City Airport, as well as private vehicle rentals like small sedans and super-sized SUVs. Professionals looking for chauffeured lifts can make transfers to the nearby Emmanuel Centre easy with various meet-and-greets, either by booking a fast taxi for reliable drop offs or slow-moving stretched limousines to impress the crowd.


    Placed between the Westminster neighborhood and Buckingham Palace, finding something fun to do is as easy as stepping outside. Discover luxury cabs as well as the iconic Wellington Arch by walking toward The Queen’s Gallery, afterward taking a stately tour of The State Rooms. Head west toward Hyde Park to discover even more artifacts of royal bloodlines, where the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain is surrounded by the Serpentine Gallery and snake-shaped lake dubbed ‘The Serpentine’, where the body is considered ‘The Long Water’ and its tail the vintage Italian Gardens, not to mention the Holocaust Memorial Gardens at the forked tongue. For something more relaxed, grab a classic English dinner from somewhere in the Westminster area, choosing between experimental Indian cuisine at Quilon or Spanish with a Victorian splash at Ibérica Victoria. Also close to the hotel are various shopping malls such as the all-glass ambiance of Cardinal Place as well as the regal boutiques & galleries from Royal Arcade.

    St. James Court airport shuttle service