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PBI airport taxi cab rides

West Palm Beach airport taxi cab service

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Mar 29, 2025
05:10 PM (17:10)
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Featured taxicab providers at PBI Airport
With everything in such close proximity, utilizing a vehicle as quick and reliable as a taxi isn’t a bad idea. Book with our providers for a pick-up and ask your cab driver to take you straight to your hotel, giving you the opportunity to actually see the city and not have to learn every minute detail of where you’re going. Cabs also offer great deals, so be sure to take advantage of the Palm Beach’s many simple luxuries.


Take a break from being so busy by taking a trip to the dolphin-shaped Peanut Island for a day of snorkeling. The area is surrounded by water in Lake Worth and has become an incredible oasis away from an already-beautiful vacation spot. Constructed in 1918, the area is also a historic landmark as well as a favorite getaway of John F. Kennedy.


If you need to get to several areas in a matter of hours, focus on what’s important and use your breaks wisely. If you’ve got a little bit of downtime and need to grab a bite to eat, swing by BRIO Tuscan Grille for some quick and Italian that’s as unique as the restaurant. Be sure to call for takeout so you can save even more time.
PBI airport transfers